At the Çöpler Mine, we have a wide-ranging stakeholder engagement program (SEP) which sets out the ways in which we engage with our stakeholders and ensures regular communication with stakeholder groups throughout the year. Some of the elements included in the Çöpler Mine SEP are:
- Quarterly results presentations to shareholders, local authorities, and an annual presentation of results and performance to local communities
- Regular meetings with local mayors, Muhktars and other community representatives
- Inviting trade union representatives to visit and attend meetings on site
- Community grievance mechanism
- Attendance at local industry and investor conferences
At the Çöpler Mine during 2020, we held 441 engagements with local community members. These included meetings with shareholders, analysts, local communities, authorities, contractors, government representatives and trade union officials. Some of the key topics discussed included the SDF, exploration activities, cyanide awareness, local procurement and contracting opportunities and job creation.

Grievance Mechanism
Çöpler’s grievance mechanism is an important part of the mine’s local stakeholder engagement program and overall governance of sustainability. It also provides valuable insight into the performance of the mine’s community development and engagement work.
Çöpler’s grievance mechanism was developed to meet the requirements of Turkish regulations and the IFC Performance Standards and is designed to be widely accessible. There are several access points available throughout each of the mine’s five closest affected communities. There is also s a dedicated access point for suppliers.
In 2020, 90% of all grievances received during the year were successfully resolved. Two grievances carried over from 2019 were still unresolved at the end of 2020. These were successfully closed out in January 2021.