At SSR, we have zero tolerance for Human Rights violations wherever we operate. As a mining company, we understand that our operations and activities may impact a broad range of human rights within the Company and in local communities. We recognize our roles and responsibilities in respecting and protecting the human rights of those affected by our activities.
Our commitment to respect Human Rights is codified in our Human Rights Policy which is aligned with the ‘Protect, Respect, Remedy’ framework of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and reflects the changing social context in which we operate.
Our Human Rights Policy compels us to assess and remedy potential human rights issues and seek constructive dialogue with stakeholders and community members impacted by our activities.
Human Rights Activities
At SSR, we assess potential Human Rights issues, take measures to avoid infringing on them and establish dialogue with stakeholders impacted by our activities. Examples of due diligence include:

To implement our Human Rights Policy and better understand and manage our human rights risks in 2019, SSR initiated an internal review of salient human rights which considered impacts across a range of topics, including:
- Working conditions
- Environmental issues
- Security arrangements
- Vulnerable groups
- Indigenous relations
- Supply chain management In 2021 we will review the assessments and review all of the sites