About this Report

We are proud to present our third annual ESG and Sustainability Report, and our first since the transformational merger with Alacer Gold Corporation. The report sets out how we manage sustainability across our business, as well as our achievements at our operating mines during 2020 and the commitments we have made for 2021. Each report is a milestone in our sustainability journey demonstrating our achievements and also the opportunities that lie ahead.

The report is produced to be ‘In Accordance’ with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Core standards and in partial compliance with the standards from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) for the metals and mining industry. The GRI and SASB are both internationally-recognized standards organizations that promote transparency, reliability and comparability in the reporting of material sustainability issues. Unless otherwise stated the data contained in this report covers our operating mines: the Çöpler Gold Mine in Erzincan, Turkey, the Marigold Mine in Nevada, USA, the Seabee Gold Operation in Saskatchewan, Canada and the Puna Operations in the Jujuy Province, Argentina.

Sustainability is a key priority to all stakeholders, whether they are local communities, local and national governments, our shareholders, or our employees. We are committed to honest and open disclosure of our performance. The disclosures we make in this report are an important mechanism for monitoring and improving our sustainability performance.

For any questions regarding this report or its contents please contact us at sustainability@ssrmining.com